It's been a month into the new year 2021, and this pandemic is getting much better with the development of covid-19 vaccines!
Spring internships and tests are around the corner but remember that you are worth so much more than your grades!
Here are some tips we would like to share on getting through 2021:
Strategize on how you yourself study best, everyone has different needs and skillsets, some of us are audio, kinetic, visual or a mixture of all three.
Find your best studying style (visual, kinetics & auditory). It could be a mix of both
Before coming into class, skim through previous lecture notes.
Know whether live lectures or watching lecture recordings suit you more (it depends on which timezone and time zone differences can be a real pain)
Video call or explain to GTA if you really cannot make it for classes
YouTube Videos can also be useful in studying! (As long as you don't get distracted by the ads)
Summarizing & Revising key points of the given lecture notes in helping build long term memory in preparation for an exam.
Avoid being overanxious especially when it comes to an ungraded examination or even one that is 5%.
Daily Examination of Conscience at the end of the day.
Acceptance that no one is perfect and is a constant work in progress.
The best advice a teacher once gave me was to believe in myself and walk into the examination or interview room with self-confidence and faith!
TLDR: Be a Realistic Optimist! Everyone can be a dreamer and it's not limited by our own circumstances! Your professors, friends and family (a.k.a your wellbeing representatives) in the university are always willing to hear you out too! Build a Personal SWOT table for yourself, which subjects you are weak in and need to work on, and which you are passionate about and be proud of yourself!
